Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Artist as Collector: Thomas Dunlay and Staying on Track

An April 2017 article in "Outdoor Painter" magazine by Bob Bahr
“In the Dell” by R.H. Ives Gammell

 “I’ve always collected, since the mid-’70s, having the good pleasure and fortune to own some really good pictures,” say Dunlay. “These three all relate to my training and my goals as a painter. “These three all relate to my training and my goals as a painter. I come completely out of the Boston school. I studied with R.H. Ives Gammell, and people out of that tradition … well, we tend to learn what we do, and we stick with it. Rather than a painting having a different meaning today than it did when I acquired it, the painting reemphasizes what we learned about value and color, putting it down and leaving it. These paintings are reminders about staying on track more than anything else.”

Read the complete article here.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Three-Day Workshop in New Hampshire

"Sailing the Sound" by Tom Dunlay
NEWS FLASH! Tom Dunlay is holding a 3-day workshop at Ceres Gallery in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, July 26-28th, 2017.

As the warmer days of spring melt the last patches of snow in the woods of New Hampshire, thoughts of summer come to mind. Ceres Gallery has the most sought after, internationally recognized, master painter coming to present a workshop with our local students in July!
We are beyond excited to have this artistic descendant of Tarbell and Benson share the knowledge that he gained from R.H. Ives Gammell, who was an actual student of Frank Benson. Tom continues to pass on the techniques that were handed down to him from the Impressionist masters of the last century, the founders of the Museum of Fine Art and the Boston School of Painters. 

Tom says, “This workshop will focus on the approach to out-of-door painting practiced by the Boston Painters from 1880 to 1930. Important aspects of outdoor painting will be covered in this intensive 3 day workshop.”

Tom Dunlay is an Impressionist, a member of the Guild of Boston Artists and a past president of the Guild. He approaches painting in a “workmanlike manner” with a goal of getting to the “truth of the scene,” which is not necessarily “accuracy.” He paints the “truth in all of its simplicity and humbleness.” Tom says that being exposed to the early Boston masters had a profound impact on his painting career. We are so fortunate that he is willing to spend three days with us, sharing his wealth of knowledge.

If you are interested in attending this workshop with Tom Dunlay in July, please email me, Elaine Miller, owner of the Ceres Gallery, at with "Tom Dunlay Workshop" in the subject line.

The cost for all three days is only $375.

This quote comes to mind whenever I hesitate….
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity.
We have only this moment,  sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.”
Francis Bacon, Sr.

Click here for directions to the Ceres Gallery in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.